Friday, July 11, 2008

My Magazine Arsenal

I get a lot of my magazine reading done at the gym while on the eliptical machine. What I bring in is often a "mixed bag" and I'm subconsciously strategic about what is displayed for people to see. (I guess now, though, it's not so subconscious.)

1) At the bottom of the pile is a library magazine. I'm still a little self conscious about being a librarian because of all of the stereotypes. To be honest, I don't often get around to reading it even when I bring it. The same magazine will come into the gym multiple times before I tackle reading it. It's not interesting enough to keep my mind off of how much I'd like for the exercising to be done!

2) Next to the bottom is a health or fitness magazine. The pithy little articles never keep my attention and deep down I know that I will never implement the healthy food choices and the latest toning plan. I bring it along because I feel that I should read it and because the gym is a good environment to feel convicted and to then do something practical about it.

3) Right underneath the top spot is either People or Entertainment magazine. These publications are the BEST read while on the eliptical machine. It fulfills my desire to read about pop culture, the type is elementary school large, the stories short and the mental capacity needed almost nil. It's not on top, though, because I want to come across as educated and savy. Hence . . .

4) The magazine at the top of my pile is either US News, Newsweek or Time. I dutifully read those current events magazines in order to have a better idea of what's going on in the world and the reasons behind it. Sometimes it gets to be too much to read a seven page article on a scholarly topic and I will have to watch a little Dr. Phil on the overhead TV, but eventually I'll get back on track.

The whole time, however, I'm waiting for my dessert of some glitzy pop culture.


Jamie said...

I will take any/all leftover magazines you are finished with.
While checking out of the grocery store today, I noted that Little Spears had her baby...but, only OK magazine wanted to use her as a cover story--I guess she isn't good enough for People?

Jessica said...

it's amazing what you can learn about a person from the magazines they read, or don't read :)